it's absolute Madness how quick this year is going can you believe were in September Already......
So today is Monday and yes you guessed it it's another Manicure Monday I love this day of the week as I get to talk to you about the New Manicure I have done for that week and sometimes there is Nail Art involved but more often then not it's just a Simple Manicure at the moment I am Trialing the Tanya Burr Nail Polishes and will be doing for the next 4 weeks I have 4 New Nail Polishes to try.
The first of the Tanya Burr Nail Polish Collection Is called MISCHEIF MADNESS Which is just. Gorgeous Red and it's so shiny even without a Top Coat.
It really is a gorgeous colour and looks much better then I thought it would so I used this TANYA BURR MISCHEIF MADNESS and I thought I would put some Glitter on my Ring Finger so I used Colour carnival by Seventeen the colour is Holo Glitter 052.
The Tanya Burr Collection I got was just £1 as TANYA BURR has just brought out a new collection so SUPERDRUG was selling these TANYA BURR NAIL POLISHES off at a Reduced price they should have been £4.99 and I only paid £1 each for the 4 COLOURS that I bought .
I have tried a few of these SEVENTEEN COLOUR CARNIVAL NAIL POLISHES and I really like them I've never really tried the Gliters though so wasn't really sure what to expect.
This particular Glitter is really PRETTY has got tiny flecks of holographic glitter which looks really pretty when the light catches the glitter.
The bottle says that you should put 2 coats of this holographic glitter on but I just used one as I wanted the TANYA BURR MISCHEIF MADNESS to show through.

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