Hope you have had a lovely weekend,
Today I thought I would do a different post I thought I would tell you what I had been doing with my weekend.
I didn't really do much I am still helping my mum with the things that she needs doing around her home as she has still got her arm in one of those Cuff and Collar Slings so she can't do a lot for herself I feel so sorry for her.
So yes at the moment all her cooking, cleaning and even simple things as washing her hair I have been doing so Unfortunately I haven't had that much time for my blog.
I am so Pleased that I have had the Chance to Write a little over this weekend :-)
Yesterday I went to my Mum's to cook us Sunday Dinner it was Lovely then when I came home I decided to work on my Blog.
I wanted some Images for it as I was getting a little bit Bored with it just having the Beauty With Andrea Font so I decided to buy some Clip Art from the Etsy Store.
I love the Etsy Store they Sell everything on there I have had a couple of Templates of there now and there so Inexpensive....
I really like Unicorns and I so this cute Pic Art on California Craft Girls if your Interested in checking out her Clip art you can find her on the Etsy Store.
This is the Unicorn I ordered Originally and it was only £1 which I thought was really cheap and I think it's so beautiful and would look Gorgeous on my Blog.
So I went ahead and Ordered it from California Craft Girls and the link would just not open which was quite Disappointing.
At first I thought it might be my Laptop because I have a Chrome Book and they aren't the best at downloading so I tried on a different Computer Still the same problem occured.
Everytime I tried Downloading the Image it just said that the File was Broken.
I really liked this Design so I decided to get back in contact with the Owner She is Lovely she is called Kirsten she was such a help.
Kirsten said she would E-mail me the Image as soon as she got home as she was out and as an Apology she said I could also choose something for Free.
Which I thought was just so Kind of her I wouldn't have Chosen a Free Image as all the other Images where more expensive.
I explained this to Kirsten she told me not to Worry about the Price I just wanted what I Paid for though I didn't expect to get a Freebie it was No-one's fault it was just a Technical Issue these things happen all the time :-)
Kirsten e-mailed me the Image that I Ordered which was the Lovely Rainbow Unicorn and to my Surprise she had also sent me a Nice Turquouise Unicorn (which is my favourite colour) so I am so Thankful for that but she really didn't need to do that.
How cute is this Turquoise Unicorn.....
I also got a really pretty green owl I love Owl's so much I feel like Kirsten knows me so well....
Awe it's just so cute I haven't used this Owl for anything yet but I am sure I will make good use out of it thanks Kirsten so much If you ever read my blog :-).
I thought both Unicorns would look really nice on my blog because they compliment the colour theme of my template.
So that's what I did last night I added the Unicorns to my Header and I did that using http://www.picmonkey.com/ I love using this to create headers for Facebook, You Tube and Twitter and I have used Pic Monkey to create all my blog buttons and Images on my Sidebar....
If you want to see Kirsten's other Pic Art, Artwork you can see it all here https://www.etsy.com/uk/shop/CaliforniaGirlCrafts?page=2
I looked at the Header of my Blog again this Morning to see if there was anything I could add to make it look more like a Beauty Blog so I went back on the Etsy Store and so these lovely Illustration Tom Ford Lipsticks.
I've always loved Tom Ford Lipsticks I have heard great things about them not been so Lucky as to own one for myself yet though as they are quite expensive to buy.
So I thought I'd get this lovely Illustration for my Blog instead so again I went to Pic Monkey to make the Header for my Blog.
I decided to Place a Unicorn at either end of the Header and the Lipsticks in the Middle and I'm really pleased with how it turned out.
So this is what it looks like on my blog.....
I even used the Rainbow Unicorn as my Favicon the Template I have on my blog came with a really Pretty Bow but everyone who has the same Template as me will have that Favicon so I thought I would mix it up and add the Rainbow Unicorn which makes it look Unique....
If you are Interested in the Tom Ford Lipstick Illustration you can buy it on the Etsy Store I will leave you the link down below.
The shop that sells the Tom Ford Lipstick Illustation are called Pink Geeks Project here is the link https://www.etsy.com/uk/shop/PinkGeeksProject?ref=l2-shopheader-name
I think my blog certainly represents me a little more and shows some of my Character I love Unicorns and Lipstick.

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