Hello Lovelies,
Hope you are having a good day....
Today I thought I would talk about a recent order I made with the DorkFace Shop through Etsy.
Etsy - DorkFace Shop
I have tried to get a Bracelet very Similar to this before from Etsy Store but they don't seem to Ship Internationally So when I saw this on Dorkface Blog I knew I had to order one.
The Price Range for these Bracelets is really Inexpensive there is a Price Bracket depending on how many letters you would like on your Bracelet.
So 1-5 Letters Beaded Bracelet are the Cheapest and they are just £1.70 Plus Postage.
Next there is 1-11 Letters which is £2.30 and this is the one I got Plus Postage and I believe the Postage was 70p because I think the Bracelet came to £3
Another Bracelet has been added to the Collection 1-20 letters which is £3 (Jemma) also does Necklaces as well that is the name of the person who Created these Gorgeous Bracelets and the Owner of Dorkface Blog and Dorkface Shop....
What I loved as well is the way Jemma (Dorkface) presented the items so much
thought had gone into the packaging of this item.
I love the fact that there was a little note of thanks saying how much she values my support,
I think Jemma is just so Creative I love everything she does and If I could I would
have one of everything....
It was also a really nice touch to get one of her business cards.....
I really need to get my own printed up soon :-)
When I got this package in the mail I thought it was too cute to open with the Skulls on the back and then on the front there was nice stickers stars, and a little bow it was Super Cute.
I love all the care and attention that has gone into it.
I love all the care and attention that has gone into it.
If by some Miracle you haven't checked Dorkfaces Blog out yet you should definitely go check it out I just love her Creativity she has started making Earrings and they are So Pretty there are two pairs that I really like and I am thinking of buying one of them is the Hello KItty Hello KItty Earring Studs and the other ones are the Cutest Bow Earrings which I can't find the link for but they are on Jemma's Twitter Page.
Pretty Bow Earrings- DorkFace Blog.....
I really hope Jemma does some Unicorn or maybe some Mermaid ones they would be so cool....
I love Unicorns so much even though they are a Mythical Creature they are a Beautiful Mythical Creature.....
The Earrings by the way are just £2 which is just crazy they are just so CUTE!!!! and for handmade earrings that is just such great value for money.....
So as I was saying I love Dorkface Blog she is Very Creative and Very Talented she also does Custom Headers for Blogs which I love, Blog Buttons and Portraits and these are Very Inexpensive too for the Amount of Work and Time that must go into them.
I am thinking of getting one for my Blog very soon I will show you one of her Designs that I love DorkFace Blog Custom Designs For Blog
I really love this Design I would love something Similar for my own Blog obviously not the exact same one it would look more like me I just love the Style of this particular Design she has done.
***Disclaimer*** This is not a sponsored post I just love Dorkfaces blog and Designs so much that I thought I would show you what I ordered and write a first impression/review.

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