Hello Lovelies,
Hope you are well and had a lovely weekend....
Yesterday I went and stayed with my mum and made us Sunday dinner and stayed over as she had a Hospital Appointment today and It was so early.
I have been more like a Zombie today More then Ever because my mum has the most Uncomfortable Sofa so I only had 2-3 hours Sleep last night not good....
So my Mum had to have yet another X-Ray today on her Fractured Shoulder it's actually got worse since she had her fall 10 days ago if that is at all possible...
So I will be helping her out with her Housework and Shopping and whatever she needs doing until she is well enough.
I feel so sorry for my mum she is such an Independent lady she likes to do everything for herself so she is struggling with the fact that she has to ask me to do things for her but that's what I am here for right??
So last night I was on Twitter and you will have seen this if you are following me on Twitter or even if you are following this Blog as my Twitter Feed is linked to my Blog....
When I first started my blog on Wordpress I know I have now gone back to Blogger but when I first started using Wordpress I saw the link to bonjourblogger.com and saw that they Interviewed Bloggers so I gave them the details of my Blog and answered their questions so many months have gone by since I did this I totally forgot about it until they messaged me last night.
It might only be a small thing to some people but It actually made my night to see my Interview and Photo so I thought I would share my Happiness with you....
Here is the link
Hope you will check it out

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