Hope you are all well,
I updated my blog a little yesterday to give it a bit more of an edgier look with some free images that I found on Blogaholic Designs....
I love this website not only for it's Freebies although that is a Bonus right?
Everyone loves Freebies don't they after all not much is free in Life....
Blogaholic designs do some great Templates if you want to change the layout of your blog on both blogger and wordpress.
If you have Wordpress though and you are thinking of getting a new Template for your blog this will only work if you have a self hosted blog or a .co.uk domain rather than a .com domain which is standard when you set up Wordpress.
So keep that in mind before Purchasing any Templates I literally had a nightmare when I wanted to change the look of my blog on Wordpress because it wasn't self hosted I couldn't change the theme. I didn't really like any of the themes on Wordpress even some of the ones that you pay for and a lot of them in my opinion are really overpriced and not as nice as the ones I have had through the etsy store there just so Pretty and so cheap.
So I went back to Blogger and pretty much started from scratch I spoke to Bloglovin about transferring my lovely readers to my new blog but it took them ages so I had to look on my old bloglovin account who was following me and followed them using my new blog and leave a message on my old blog so people knew that I was no longer using Wordpress and that I had gone back to Blogger.
I also left several tweets on my twitter account about this and asked my followers to follow my new blog which you all did so thanks so much for that.
A couple of weeks later when I had given up on bloglovin transferring my account details over they emailed me to say that, they had done that for me which I was really happy with but it was a nightmare making the transition from one blog to another and if it can be helped I would avoid it....
People ask me all the time as I have used Wordpress and blogger which do I prefer to use and it's definitely Blogger I think it's more user friendly but I guess it's all about Personal preference.
Blogaholic Designs don't mind you using there Freebies as long as you credit them on your blog which is only Fair if you take something of there website.
There are also some free templates on Blogaholic designs to try which I think is really good so you can see what they will look like on your Blog.
Just by adding a few Images in the sidebar makes it stand out more...
If you want to check out Blogaholic Designs Freebies you can check them out here http://blogaholicdesigns.com/free/
I didn't really want this Post to be as long as it is Apologies for that when I get Writing sometimes I just can't stop I am a real Chatterbox....
The last thing I want to say is this post is not at all Sponsered by Blogaholic Designs I just wanted to share my thoughts on there website with you.

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