Hello Lovelies,
On Saturday it was such a nice day mum and I decided to take ourselves off to Blackpool for the day . It was so lovely to just get away from everything even if it was just for a few hours.
While I was in Blackpool I did pick up a couple of things which is quite a touristy thing to do .
While on the pier I saw this gorgeous shop and literally everything in there was hand crafted made out of shells it really is a quaint shop.
I’m not sure of the name of the shop now but you should definitely check it out if your in the area and it’s the only shop on the Pier that sells shells so you will find it.
I love shells so much I have done every since I was a little girl I used to think those shells that you can buy that are ornaments that you hold up to your ear and can hear the sea were the coolest thing. It's almost like the sea is calling you. I still do think they are so cool....
When I lived in my old house I had some shells similar to these and I loved them so much these are actually nicer I love the cute red star and they were only £2 which is really cheap.
I wanted something for my coffee table and thought that these shells would look perfect on there.
The ornaments from the shop were £5 I think and they had Owls made out of shells and Blackpool towers made out of shells and they had glitter on too they were made to show you what Blackpool Tower looks like at night all lit up. They were so pretty and it’s a nice present for someone too.
I didn’t get this Owl in the shop I actually got it from Poundland which is becoming my favourite place to shop. Just look at her she is super cute but she is the Owl with no name.What shall we call her readers?
I’d like her to have a really fun name and I’m not very Imaginative when It comes to names.
I wanted a fridge magnet important things that I need to remember like my appointments I like to put on my fridge but I’ve broken one or two magnets of late so My mum bought me this cute Ice Cream Cone. I love it. I really should have a memo board in the kitchen.
I just had to take a photo of this little shack on the Pier to show you it’s so cute.
It’s a coffee bar I just love that it says choc-a-holic on it reminds me of myself.

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