Saturday, 20 June 2015

Illamasqua Nail Polish Review

Hello Lovelies, 
Hope you are having a lovely weekend....
This is a review that I did on my wordpress blog so if you were following me there you may have already it....
I love both of these nail polishes but my favourite is the maroon/purple colour it’s just stunning it has specks of glitter that run through it. The nail polish looks Amazing  on and when the light catches the glitter in the nail polish it’s just Beautiful This colour is called Gliteratti
So yes if I could have only chosen one of the nail polishes it would have definitely been Gliteratti but I was lucky and saw this  In TK MAXX on the Illamasqua Website  This same set is £24.00 I got such a great deal it was just £5.00. 
I could not believe they sold  Illamasqua as it’s such a high end brand I Knew TK MAXX did brands like Ciate ,Nails Inc , and I have seen some Essie nail polishes also which I love. 
I saw this and at that price I just had to get it I’d heard so much about the brand Illamasqua and wanted to see what the hype was all about. 
The other colour in this set is called Viridian which is also a lovely colour it’s a Marble Green that has a Blue Shimmer to it and Specks Of Glitter running through it. 
This was my first time at trying any high end nail polish I think the most expensive nail polish I have bought myself is the Models Own Chrome polish They retail at £4.99 each. 
Okay so here are my thoughts….
I would definitely recommend these Nail Polishes to anyone who is thinking of trying a Luxury Nail Polish just to have it on your nails makes you feel Special.
The Gliteratzi colour is perfect for nights out or the christmas period. 
The amount of  wear I got out of these Nail Polishes were unreal it almost stayed on like a Gel Nail Polish would. I got a 10 days wear out of both of these which surprised me. They only started chipping after I had been wearing them for 7 Days or so.
I put two coats of these Nail Polishes but you can actually get away with just the one coat especially with Gliteratti as it’s a thicker consistency then Viridian .
I guess it’s because of the Glitter. With Viridian I would use two coats. 
I will insert some photos at the bottom of this post that I took but I thought I would insert the link to Illamasqua’s website too so you could check out what is Available. 
Here are the photos.....

Excuse the mess when I painted my nails I just wanted to take a photo straight away for instagram. I just love this colour it's gorgeous for Nights Out or for Christmas as it just has so much glitter in it the name is just perfect for it Glitteratzi.

I do really like this Viridian colour I like that it has that nice marble effect to it, it's just that I LOVE the Gliteratzi colour so much....

You can see how much Gliteratzzi shines in this photo I think I got a real bargain here all my other Nail Polishes are 10ML and these are the bigger bottles of 15ML and they were so cheap 2 bottles for £5.
It was probably left over stock from christmas.....