Hope you are all well and are having a lovely weekend so far ....
I wanted to do this post on the Beauty Blogger Awards 2015 I have been getting emails for a few weeks to see if I wanted to take part in this event.
Even though I did go to college last year to study Beauty Therapy I am not a Make-Up Artist so I didn't want to compete in the show but I am going as a Beauty Blogger and will be able to discuss the event afterwards on my blog which I thought was nice.
Since I started my blog back In March I have wanted to go to a Bloggers event to meet other Bloggers this sounds like it could be the Perfect Opportunity for Me.....
This particular Blogging event is held at the Pillar Hall, Olympia Exhibition Centre, London 4-5th October 2015.
If you have not heard about this event yet I will leave you the link down below so that you can go and check it out....
I really do hope to see some of you there and If you see me Come Say Hi don't be SHY....
I am really looking forward to going to this Blogging event as it will be my first Blogging event has anyone else got plans to go to the Beauty Blogger Awards 2015.....
Hope you all have a lovely weekend.....

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