Thursday 28 January 2016

When In Rome a lesson that I learnt

Hello Lovelies,

In todays post I thought I would talk about the time I went to Rome it's been that long since I went I can't remember where we stayed the reason for that is probably due to the fact that I was really ill when I went and looking back in hindsight I should never have flown out there.

I didn't realise at the time but I had a bad case of tonsilitus on top of  a really bad head cold my head was throbbing and I lost my voice before we flew out.
If this was to happen now it would send all kind of Alarm Bells going off but it was a Birthday Gift from my ex partner and I didn't want to let him down which just sounds so silly now I say it out Aloud.

Anyway I started to feel really ill at Manchester Airport not a very nice vision but I was sick In the bin luckily it was only Water because I couldn't eat anything so I was just keeping my Fluids up really by drinking plenty of Water.

I was okay on the Flight to Rome the problem was getting off the Plane I felt really Dizzy when we got off the Plane which I just put it down to lack off Food.
I hadn't eaten properly in days because I had been that ill. so we went to get some Food and Drink and the person that served us was just so Rude to us there.
 obviously we stuck out like a sore thumb but we were Paying Customers.

At that point I thought to myself I hope this is not a Sign of things to come luckily it wasn't they wasn't over friendly to us like other Countries but I don't remember anyone else being that rude to us while we were there.

Once in the Hotel we decided just to Relax and start fresh the next day but the next day I couldn't lift my head off the Pillow so there was no way I could get out of bed so I stayed in bed for a few hours and my ex went out which I didn't realise as I was that out of it.

When he came back to the Hotel Room he told me that he had been looking at Flights to get us home which made me upset because he had tried to do this really nice Generous Gesture for my Birthday and now there was a possibility that we would have to take the next Flight home because I was so ill.

We decided to go out for Dinner as it was quite late and talk about it and decide what to do from there in the end we decided to Stay I didn't think it would be fair for my Ex to pay more money for Flights and they were very expensive Flights at that so we needed to make the best of this Situation and enjoy the rest of the holiday as much as we could.

When we went out for Dinner we saw this lovely nice Italian Restauraunt and can I just say Italian Food is my Favourite and the only thing I could eat was Lemon Sorbet that's because it was nice and cold.

I really struggled with it though as I am not a huge fan of Lemon Sorbet and everyone else seemed to be eating Pizza around me which by the way is my Favourite Food.

The Lemon Sorbet came in the cutest Disney Cup though it was so cute which just made it all the more embarrassing as they were clearly for children as everyone in the Restauraunt was eating Main Meals I was eating Lemon Sorbet.

We didn't go over the top with the Sightseeing as I felt so Lousy but here are a few photos from my trip in Rome.

We visited the colosseum as this was in Walking Distance of our Hotel.

I do only have a few photos of my time in Rome but would like to Share them with you.

I am glad that we didn't change our Flights it would have been more Expense and I would have felt even worse then I did already after all I was hardly the Life and Soul I felt more like a Corpse :-).

Plus if we did change our Flights and we went home early not only would it have been Expensive I would have just felt sick at Home and probably always had regrets that I didn't get to see a few sights in Rome.

I am glad that I managed to take a these photos normally I would have had a few of myself taken in the Background but I was just too ill

I know this post has dragged out a little bit I just wanted to talk about my holiday in Rome and the lesson that I have learnt.

If you are really ill like I was  the easiest thing is to just not travel your health comes before a holiday that's the most important lesson I learnt on this trip. Luckily I haven't been as sick as this  on a holiday since.