Hope you have had a lovely weekend....
Another Monday another Manicure how these weekends are flying by at the moment.
I love doing these posts and I have so many to show you so If you like nail polish keep up to date with my blog every week.
I also think I will try Practicing Nail Art my skills are practically Non Existent but everyone has to start somewhere right?
Here are the colours I am using today....
I am also going to leave links to where I bought them from....
Last week I did a First Impressions Post on the Ciate Mini Volume 2 Cavier Bar and this Ciate Mini came with the Cavier Bar I do love the Colour but it's just such a pain in the neck to work with.
It's a very Pale Colour and it's almost like Water in Consistency so you need to really work with this Colour and you need to apply at least Three Coats Of the Nail Polish for it to not be Streaky.
Other then that I do really Love the Colour would I go out and buy it No probably not due to the fact that it needs 3 Coats (who has time to do that)
If Ciate Ferris Wheel came in another Boxset though I wouldn't not buy it because that Colour was in it.
It's a lovely colour for the Spring/Summer Months....
The Ciate Cavier Mini Bar Volume was purchased from TK MAXX I will leave the link down below but TK MAXX is very hit and miss they don't have the same products in all of the stores....
Oh they do have the Ciate Boxsets online which is a Surprise and they have a good range of them too these would make a good Christmas/Birthday Gift and won't break the bank....
The next Colour I would like to talk about well it's not even really a Colour it's a Top Coat with so much Glitter in it but the Colours of Glitter are just Gorgeous.
This is one of Rimmel's Polishes and it's called Glitter Bomb Top Coat In Bedazzle 021.
I first saw this on Tatiannicablogs on her Instagram and she was wearing it with a really Pretty Lavender colour called Mary, Mary Quite Contrary I'll have to have a look out for that but I like the look that has been created using Ciate Ferris Wheel and the Bedazzle Glitterbomb these 2 Colours work extremley well together....
I got this Polish from Superdrug and at the moment it's Buy One Get One Half Price I'm not sure how long this Offer is on for normally they only run them for about a week.
I looked online for the link they don't seem to have the polish on there so Unfortunately I can't add the link.
I looked on the boots website also and I couldn't see it there either this purchase is well worth the money I definitely recommend it....
Have you tried any of the Special Effects Top Coats ?
I quite like the look of Rita Ora Pop Art Nail Polish that looks really Nice....
Thanks for reading....

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